Let Me Intoduce Myself.

Monday 3 January 2011

Hey There, my name is Clara and i have a huge passion for fashion. I have been thinking about creating a blog for a while now, and i finally got round to doing it. Heres some stuff you should know about me ;
 (1) My Philosophy?
Fashion is an artform, where i can express how i feel and what i want to be. Its an emotional outlet to the world around you, where you can share so much with others without having to say a word. A way to be noticed, or blend in. Infact its anything you want it to me, and that is why it is special. I honestly believe that no-one is un-fashionable, its just called being different.

(2) ARTY. I love art, im currently taking it at GCSE. I love it mainly because it allows me to express myself , just like fashion - but perhaps in a more abstract way? Another thing i like about art is that, again, its whatever you want it to be! People make money out of putting a chair in the middle of a room and calling it modern art - BRILLIANT - although some may not agree!
(3) My blog is open to opinions. Just because i write or photograph something does not mean you have to like it or even agree with it! That is what is going to be the beauty of my blog, because everyone is free to come in and say what they want , discuss things and ask questions. Pretty cool right?
(4) Im not your average teen, im different. Im a girl who loves dance, art, fashion, football and so much more. I really just take on whatever life throws at me and put my all in. Im willing to do the same with this blog. I'm going to prove to people that i am different to the other bloggers on here, i have my own style, my own likes and dislikes and thats why you should follow me! :)
(5) Whats your blog actually going to be about? Ok, so i haven't really got this part written in stone. I want it to be about different artforms, about my art work., about fashion and make-up. I want to share hints, trips and tricks with you guys, and also throw some gossip your way. Basically it's going to be the ultimate blog with daily features and different things. What i think is going to make this blog really special is that i want input from you guys. My blog will get better with time, and your going to have so much say in it! I really want this place to be like a community of people who share interests and ideas, and eventually i want to create something HUGE,  big hype!

So, please follow me and be a part of this amazing blog journey!

Clara x


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